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  • [기술동향] [미국] 1억2천800만 달러 규모로 스털링 천연자원 센터 매립지 매입 완료

    [미국] 1억2천800만 달러 규모로 스털링 천연자원 센터 매립지 매입 완료

    샌버노디노밸리 수자원지구(Valley District)와 이스트밸리 수자원지구(EVWD)는 스털링 천연자원 센터(Sterling Natural Resource Center)가 위치할 14에이커에 대한 매립지를 265만 달러 규모로 매입하겠다고 발표했다. 폐수처리 플랜트 및 지역 센터는 지하수 저류에 대해 매일 1천만 갤런 규모로 정제수 처리에 기여할 것으로 예상되며, 프로젝트의 총사업비는 1억2천800만 달러 규모에 달할 것으로 추정된다.


    Sterling Natural Resource Center's land purchase completed

    The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District(Valley District) and East Valley Water District (EVWD) today announced the $2.65 million purchase of 14 acres of land that will serve as the location of the Sterling Natural Resource Center (Center) -- a wastewater treatment plant and community center that will contribute up to 10 million gallons of purified water daily to groundwater storage.

    The property is located on the west side of North Del Rosa Drive between East 5th and East 6th Streets in Highland. Total costs for the project are estimated at $128 million.

    "We are excited to bring this project to fruition," said Mark Bulot, president of the Valley District Board of Directors. "Water reclamation and groundwater recharge fit with our mission as a regional agency to plan for a long-range water supply for the San Bernardino Valley, and we are happy to be able to add enhancements to the project that will also benefit the surrounding community."

    The Sterling Natural Resource Center will treat up to 10 million gallons of wastewater daily and recharge it into the local Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin, where hundreds of millions of gallons of water will be stored for use in dry years. The Center will use the most advanced and safest technology including Membrane Bioreactors to produce disinfected water that meets or exceeds all requirements for groundwater recharge and positively enhances the community. Eliminating odors and other negative attributes associated with treatment plants of the past has been achieved through advancements in technology and design techniques. The project will treat wastewater generated solely within the East Valley Water District service area.

    "Our district currently sends its wastewater to the City of San Bernardino, where it is treated and sent down the Santa Ana River," said Ron Coats EVWD Chairman of the Board. "It pains us to see such a precious resource flow out of our region, when it could be put to good use right here in our community. That’s why we are working in cooperation with Valley District to establish the Sterling Natural Resource Center."

    [출처 = Water World / 2016년 5월 12일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] 앵글리안워터 렛포드 WTW서 수질 향상 위한 질산염 플랜트 신축

    [미국] 앵글리안워터 렛포드 WTW서 수질 향상 위한 질산염 플랜트 신축

    ACWA 서비스는 이스트 미들랜드(East Midlands)에 위치한 앵글리안 워터(Anglian Water)의 렛포드(Retford) 수처리 시설에 대한 질산염 제거 플랜트의 설계·시공 계약을 체결했다.

    질산염 취약지대 내의 식수수질은 식수시찰단(Drinking Water Inspectorate)의 수질 목표를 달성하기 위해 다른 수자원과 혼합함으로써 처리되어 왔으나, 강과 대수층의 질산염 농도가 지속적으로 증가하면서 많은 물기업들이 수질을 유지하는 데 문제가 되었다.


    New nitrate removal plant to improve water quality for Anglian Water’s Retford WTW

    ACWA Services has been contracted to design and build a nitrate removal plant for Anglian Water’s Retford Water Treatment Works (WTW) in the East Midlands.

    Drinking water quality in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) has traditionally been achieved by blending water from different sources to achieve Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI) quality targets.

    But as nitrate levels in rivers and underground aquifers continue to rise, this has become increasingly problematic for a number of water companies to maintain.

    ACWA’s solution included design, installation and commissioning for all process, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation works and is based on the company’s Nitreat Ion Exchange process.

    Once operational this will treat a total works flow of 12,900, m3/day, drawn from Retford’s existing boreholes.

    Treated water from the process will be blended to meet DWI target nitrate concentrations of less than 50 mg per litre. The ten month project is expected to be completed by the end of 2016.

    The Nitreat system is a counter current continuous Ion Exchange process for nitrate removal utilising a patented multi-port distribution valve. This distributes the feed and regeneration flows to multiple resin pressure vessels, with process flows including absorption, displacement, brine regeneration and regeneration rinse, all cycled by the distribution valve.

    This is our 17th Nitreat project for Anglian Water. Other UK utilities using the technology include Cambridge Water, Severn Trent, Thames Water and Yorkshire Water.

    [출처 = Water World / 2016년 5월 11일]

  • [기술동향] [Desalitech] 엘파소 플랜트서 실리카 함량 높은 지하수 정화

    [Desalitech] 엘파소 플랜트서 실리카 함량 높은 지하수 정화

    디잴리테크(Desalitech)사는 ReFlex™ 역삼투 시스템 과정을 통해 텍사스 엘파소(El Paso)에 위치한 케이 베일리 허치슨(KBH, Kay Bailey Hutchison) 담수화 플랜트에 높은 물 회수율을 기록하는 성공적인 지하수 정화 공정을 구축했다. 발표에 따르면 텍사스대학교의 아일랜드 담수화 시스템 센터(CIDS, Center for Inland Desalination Systems)에서 8개월의 기간에 걸쳐 실증시험이 완료되었다.

    실증시험의 성공까지는 기존 역삼투 공정에서 가능한 회수율을 초과해 실리카 및 스케일링이 없는 염수 담수화 과정을 통해 94%의 회수율을 보였다.


    Desalitech purifies high silica groundwater in El Paso

    Desalitech announced today that its ReFlex reverse osmosis (RO) process successfully purified groundwater at the Kay Bailey Hutchison (KBH) Desalination plant in El Paso, Texas, at record high water recovery rates. The announcement was made upon completion of tests conducted by the University of Texas’ Center for Inland Desalination Systems (CIDS) over a period of eight months. The tests successfully demonstrated brackish water desalination operation at 94% recovery without silica (and other) scaling, far exceeding the recovery rates possible with traditional RO technology. The demonstration establishes a new standard for water efficiency in reverse osmosis processes with significant global financial and environmental implications.

    Silica is a natural contaminant present in ground water around the world that is notorious for precipitating in desalination and other membrane processes, producing a dense coating that is nearly impossible to remove. Accordingly, the water recovery rate at which a reverse osmosis system can operate is limited by the presence of silica and other sparingly soluble constituents. Low-recovery operation results in a high-volume waste stream that requires difficult and expensive treatment or disposal. The prospect of sustainable inland RO operation at recovery rates that exceed the saturation concentrations of these salts represents a technological breakthrough for industrial and municipal water purification.

    The 27.5 million gallon per day KBH plant was commissioned in 2007 to supply drinking water to El Paso. The plant assures public water supply despite drought conditions, emergency situations, population growth and salt water intrusion into fresh water aquifers. The plant pumps groundwater from an onsite nearby wellfield to treatment works that include sand strainers, cartridge filters and reverse osmosis equipment. The plant is currently operating at 82.5% recovery, limited by the traditional multi-stage RO design along with the high silica concentrations, resulting in a wastewater stream that is sent to disposal wells.

    CIDS installed a mobile containerized Desalitech RO pilot unit at the KBH plant in June of 2015. The pilot unit was equipped with standard reverse osmosis membranes, pumps and other components, which operated at typical membrane flux and crossflow rates. Recovery rates above 90% were sustained for days of continuous testing. The highest recovery achieved without scale formation was 94%, corresponding to silica supersaturation of 273%. For context, traditional reverse osmosis and distillation systems are generally limited to a maximum of 100% silica saturation. Detailed results of the tests are expected to be published by CIDS.

    [출처 = Water World / 2016년 4월 13일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] 지질연구소, 국가지하수관층망에 최대 400만 달러 지원

    [미국] 지질연구소, 국가지하수관층망에 최대 400만 달러 지원

    미국 지질연구소(USGS)는 국가지하수관측망(NGWMN, National Ground-Water Monitoring Network)에 참여를 지원하는 협력협정에 최대 400만 달러의 기금을 지원할 예정이라고 밝혔다.

    USGS는 관측망을 개발·관리하기 위해 연방 물정보 자문위원회(ACWI)의 지하수 분과위원회(SOGW)를 운영하고 있다. 관측망은 협력적인 지하수 데이터 수집·관리·보고 시스템으로 고안되었으며, 기존에 구축한 연방, 주, 마을, 지방 지하수 모니터링 네트워크에서 수집된 데이터를 기반으로 운영된다.


    USGS to award $4M to improve groundwater monitoring program

    The U.S. Geological Survey will award up to $4 million in cooperative agreements to support participation in the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network (NGWMN).

    The USGS is working with the Federal Advisory Committee on Water Information’s (ACWI) Subcommittee on Ground Water (SOGW) to develop and administer the NGWMN. The NGWMN is designed as a cooperative groundwater data collection, management, and reporting system that will be based on data from selected wells in existing Federal, State, Tribal, and local groundwater monitoring networks. The Network is envisioned as a long-term collaborative partnership among Federal and non-Federal data providers that will help address present and future groundwater management questions facing the nation.

    Cooperative agreements will provide support for both new and existing data providers in the NGWMN. The USGS will fund new data providers to select and classify sites within existing monitoring programs, to set up web services that will link the data to the NGWMN Portal, and to produce a report describing this process. Existing data providers will receive funds to maintain web services and keep site information current. Data providers may also receive funding to collect data to improve site information, to maintain wells, and to drill new or replacement Network wells. Information about the cooperative agreements is available on the NGWMN Cooperative Agreements page.

    Interested agencies may apply online at GRANTS.GOV under funding opportunity number G16AS00043. Applications will be accepted from March 30, 2016 through May 31, 2016.

    Two Webinars are scheduled to review the application package and answer any question about the opportunity. These are scheduled for April 13th at 1 pm EDT and May 3rd at 2 pm EDT. Registration for the webinars is required.

    [출처 = Water World / 2016년 4월 11일]

  • [기술동향] [미국] 텍사스, 저수량 기록 세워

    [미국] 텍사스, 저수량 기록 세워

    텍사스의 샌안토니오 워터시스템(SAWS, San Antonio Water System)의 지하수 대수층 저장·충전 프로젝트(ASR, Aquifer Storage and Recovery)는 최고의 저장 단계에 이르러 향후 사용할 수 있는 물의 양이 10만 에이커피트(약 3천300만 갤런)를 능가했다고 밝혔다. 이는 333알라모듐(Alamodomes)의 양을 충족시키며 SAWS의 2014년 음용수 분포도는 약 21만2천 에이커 피트로 전체의 거의 절반에 해당되는 양이다.

    SAWS의 이번 프로젝트는 지하에 물이 충분한 동안 텍사스에서 여름동안 분배 시스템에 의해 전환되는 물을 저장하기 위해 대규모의 지하수 저수지 등을 개발한다. 지하수 저장 방식을 활용하면 이전의 농업 방식을 현장에서 계속할 수 있다.


    Texas reservoir reaches storage milestone

    SAWS Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) reached its highest storage milestone ever this week, surpassing 100,000 acre-feet (about 33 billion gallons) of water available for future use.

    For reference, this amount would fill 333 Alamodomes, and represents almost half of the SAWS total potable water distributed in 2014 -- 212,851 acre-feet.

    SAWS ASR is a large underground reservoir developed to store water during wet, or low-use times, and to be returned into the distribution system during our hot Texas summers.

    By using an underground storage approach, it also allows for land directly above the site to continue its prior agricultural use.

    “While this facility is rarely in the limelight - which is not surprising because it’s below ground and out of sight - this milestone truly is a reason to celebrate,” said Donovan Burton, SAWS vice president of Water Resources & Governmental Relations. “This stored water is the reason we’ve been able to stay out of deeper drought restrictions during recent years.”

    The Twin Oaks Aquifer Storage and Recovery facility is a key component of the SAWS 50-Year Water Supply Plan. SAWS began injecting water into the ASR in June 2004. It was the first major project funded by SAWS customers through the Water Supply Fee. The facility is located on 3,200 acres in south Bexar County owned by SAWS.

    “ASR has far exceeded our expectations,” continued Burton. “This water source is the model for the rest of the state and is the cornerstone of the regional solution for the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan.”

    [출처 = Water World / 2016년 4월 4일]

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